Bag Policy
We recommend bags, including diaper bags, be smaller than 8"x6"x1" if non-transparent and clear bags be smaller than 12"x12"x6". This will help shorten lines and expedite that audience in-take.
Prohibited Items
Please note the following items are prohibited inside the SAFE Credit Union Convention Center, SAFE Credit Union Performing Arts Center, and Memorial Auditorium:
- Bottles or cans
- Backpacks
- Food coolers
- Outside food/beverages
- Pamphlets, product samples
- Skateboards, rollerblades, bicycles, helmets, chairs
- 2-way radios
- Balloons, permanent markers, spray paint
- Cameras: no flash/professional photography, tripods or monopods, GoPros, or selfie sticks
- Signs/Flags/Banners/Posters
- Food, beverage, alcohol, cans, bottles, flasks, coolers, drugs, illegal substances
- Weapons, pepper spray/mace, flares, fireworks, and dangerous devices of any kind
- Frisbees and beach balls
- Lasers pointers
- Any noise making devices (i.e. air horns, whistles, drums, plastic horns, etc.)
- Audio/Video recording devices
- Any other items deemed unacceptable by staff